A haze still hangs over the movements of the Russian
armies, both in Asia and Europe. The English correspondents have not arrived, or are not permitted to speak, and no other reporters can be safely trusted for a minute. Telegrams arrive by the dozen from the Danube only to be contradicted, and it is not improbable that many of the statements put forward are inventions for the benefit of the enemy. According to the best accounts, the Russians in Roumania are divided into two armies, one of which, crossing at Galatz, will enter the Dobrudscha, and be employed in masking the fortresses ; while the other and larger force crosses near Rust- chuk, and marches south-eastward to Sofia, upon the route General Tchernayeff originally tried to follow. The first part of the plan, the seizure of the Danube from its mouth to Galatz, has been carried out successfully. and the river is now blocked with torpedoes, but the second is delayed by the necessary slowness of the march across Roumania. The rain has been heavy, there is but one railway, and the passage of the Danube will scarcely be effected before the latter end of the month. The Turks apparently have made no effort to cross the river, and are bewildered as to the point which it would be best to defend.