The Magazines.
THE Fortnightly opens with a very strong and clear paper from Mr. Courtney upon "Our Eastern Policy," the drift of which is that British policy of late in the matter has been......
Current Literature.
The Church Quarterly Review. April, 1877.—This is a good number of a Review which is evidently written and edited by men of great scholarship. The original paper on "Justin......
The Trident, Me Crescent, And The Cross. By The Rev.
James Vaughan. (Longmans.)—This volume, which contains much interest- ing matter, and is written, we think, with fairness and candour, is a review of the religious history of......
Theocritus. Donut) Recensuit Christophorus Wordsworth,...
Bell ; Bell and Sons.)—It is almost a surprise—so are things changed since the year of grace 1800 —to find a Bishop editing a Greek classic. And indeed Bishop Words- worth is......