5 MAY 1877, page 1

A Haze Still Hangs Over The Movements Of The Russian

armies, both in Asia and Europe. The English correspondents have not arrived, or are not permitted to speak, and no other reporters can be safely trusted for a minute. Telegrams......

We Have As Yet Nothing But Rumours From Asia, But

they all point one way. The Russians, in three columns, are steadily advancing eastward. One column has seized Bayezid, on the Persian frontier, on its way to Erzeroum ; a......

Lord Elcho Has Given Notice Of An Amendment To Mr.

Glad- stone's resolution, to which—if we may trust the Standard—the Cabinet is collectively at least RA much opposed as to the original resolutions. He proposes to the House to......

Ii * * The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript...


On Monday Night A London Gazette Appeared Containing The...

proclamation of neutrality, and her warnings to her sub- jects not to engage on either side in the war between Russia and Turkey. It was at once noticed, however, and......

News Of The Week.

R. GLADSTONE has at last taken up a line of his own on the jN Eastern Question, and we have to record with deep regret, and something like indignation, that on that line he is......

The Pall Mall Gazette Has Been So Angry This Week,

that its acuteness has been to some extent damaged by the violence of its emotions. On Tuesday it copied a blunder from the Times' correspondent at Vienna,—a statement, namely,......