5 MAY 1877, Page 1

We have as yet nothing but rumours from Asia, but

they all point one way. The Russians, in three columns, are steadily advancing eastward. One column has seized Bayezid, on the Persian frontier, on its way to Erzeroum ; a second is probably on its way to Batoum ; and a third has threatened, or, it may be, taken, Kars. On Wednesday it was believed in Vienna that Mukhtar Pasha, with 60,000 men, had sustained a crushing defeat before Kars—a defeat followed, ac- cording to some telegrams, by the capitulation of part of his army —but this statement has not yet been confirmed, except by another rumour, apparently true, according to which he has abandoned Kars, leaving a garrison there, and retreated on Erzeroum. The Government of Constantinople assures the public that it has no news from Armenia, and it may therefore be assumed that the Turkish arms have suffered some reverse, but of its extent or character nothing as yet is accurately known. The Russians claim nothing except success in some cavalry skirmishes, and the general impression of the news is that serious fighting has not yet begun. London is sure to hear of great battles when they occur, but the intermediate movements of troops are jealously concealed, and as yet no English journal has any correspondent nearer to the scene of action that Tiflis.