The Times' Berlin correspondent believes that there is little doubt
remaining that the German Parliament will adopt a Pro- tective law, and abandon the Free-trade system. In a debate held on April 28, Baron Varnbuler contended that Germany was too poor a country to endure free-trade—which had been adopted mainly for diplomatic reasons—and was especially desirous of protection to agriculture, which, he said, was protected even in England, where he seemed to think the is. duty on corn still in exist- ence. Herr Hoffmann, the President of the Imperial Chancellerie, thereupon rose, and said that though he must resist the motion, which was one for inquiry, he approved the general arguments of the preceding speaker. A Bill imposing a protective duty on iron has been rejected, but it is alleged that the real reason was a de- sire for a more general protective measure. We know nothing in modern politics more melancholy than the apparent inability of the representatives of universal suffrage even to understand economic arguments. Baron Varnbuler actually argues that the poverty of the people is a reason for " protecting " corn—that is, for making it dear—and Prince Bismarck's representative goes out of his way to agree with the monstrous argument.