5 MAY 1877, Page 22

The Prince of Wales's Tour : a Diary in India.

By W. H. Russell With Illustrations by Sydney P. Hall. (Sampson Low and Co.)—Tbe delay which has taken place, necessarily, it would seem, in bringing out this magnificent volume is to be regretted. Just at this time we are thinking of other things. Though the Prince's visit was no mere holi- day trip, but had a groat political significance, more exciting events eclipse, for the present at least, its interest. But the time has been well spent in making the work more complete and worthy of the occasion. It is a startling memorial of a grand pageant. Every great library should possess it, and it has all the outward dignity which would make it bo- om° any place. Dr. Russell's talent as a describer is too well knownto need our praise. If he has less exciting topics to handle than he had when he made his fame in the Crimea, and making it, raised his whole class toe. position such as they had never had before, he has, nevertheless, a great subject. If there are not exciting incidents there are colour, variety, exciting scenes, and a vast array of interesting and splendid personages. Add to this that Dr. Russell was in India in old days, when history not less important than that of the Crimean war was making itself, and that we are therefore perpetually interested by the comparisons which suggest themselves to him between the India of twenty years ago and the India of to-day. The diary is always entertaining ; to things already familiar the writer has the power of giving a new charm, and he makes shrewd observations when the occasion offers itself. Mr. Hall's illustrations, which are abundant throughout the volume, are excellent.