5 MAY 1877, Page 23

The Laurel Bush : an Old - Fashioned Love - Story. By the Author

of "John Halifax, Gentleman." (Daldy, Isbister, and Co.)—The accom- plished author is always at home in a love-story. She enjoys the subject, and she treats it with all the skill that comes of such enjoyment. Hence she has no need for any artful or elaborate plot. The device of a letter being lost, which bad it reached its destination would have made crooked things straight, is a very old one ; and lest it should take us unawares, the writer is careful to drop a pretty plain hint. But in truth we are interested in the hero and heroine, without needing to feel any suspense or doubt about their fortunes. Their characters are drawn with genuine taste and feeling, and however the story might have turned out, we should have felt glad to have read about them.