5 MAY 1928, Page 15

Letters to the Editor


• [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] - SIR,—The religion of a golfer is, I fear, a matter somewhat outside my field of criticism.

But the suggestion seems to overlook two matters, (1) the rush to get a starting time on a crowded Sunday morning, and (2) the diversity of religious belief to be found among members of the same club. The holding of -religious services in golf clubs might give rise to no less disputes than the teaching of religion in schools, and what Committee or pro- prietor of a club would be willing to run the risk of giving offence to any of its members over this matter ?

Also, it should not be overlooked that the wireless now enables golfers as well as others to enjoy services in their own homes if they care to-do so.—I am, Sir, &e.;