Meanwhile Mr. Churchill Has Not Replaced The Abandoned...
any other. Perhaps he shares the common belief that his estimates of revenue from Income Tax and the petrol tax were below the mark. This is uncertain ground, but so, also, is......
We Are Unfeignedly Glad That The Kerosene Duty Has...
We pointed out last 'week that it was a regrettable burden: upon the 'household expenditure of the poorest cottagers. Throughout the countryside kernseiteili - the 'cannier,:......
Here Is An Addendum To The Subject Of Kerosene Which
is trifling but perhaps not without interest. The Times in solitary grandeur writes " kerosine " instead of " kerosene." The Oxford Dictionary says that the name kerosene was......
News Of The Week
1VI R. CHURCHILL, having recognized that discretion required the withdrawal of the kerosene duty, abolished it on Tuesday with an air of valour and with a completeness which......
The Truth Is Sufficiently Satisfying That A Great And...
Budget has been saved from disaster by the correction of a ridiculous error. Mr. Churchill was wise and frank enough to admit that the reduction of the duty on sugar could not......
Editorial And Publishing Offices : 13 York Street,'...
London, W.C.2.—A Subscription to the SPECTATOR costs Thirty Shillings per annum, including postage, to any part of the world. The SPECTATOR is registered as a Newspaper. - The......