5 MAY 1928, page 3

We Much Regret To Record The Death Of Sir Ebenezer

Howard, the founder of the town-planning movement and the creator of Letchworth and Welwyn Garden Cities. He died at Welwyn aged seventy-eight. This observant, humane and......

-on Monday The Legislative Committee Of The Church...

the revised Prayer Book Measure to the Ecclesiastical Committee of Parliament. The Measure comes to the Ecclesiastical Committee this time with a rather smaller Church vote in......

On Tuesday The London And North-eastern Railway Opened A...

service from King's Cross to Edin- burgh, a distance of 392k miles. This is said to be the longest non-stop service in the world. A change is made in the staff of the engine......

On Tuesday In The House Of Lords The Government Withdrew

Clause 4 of the Rating and Valuation Bill. This Clause , provided an opportunity for recourse to the High . Court for . an authoritative opinion in cases where rating practice......

' Lord Silisbury Tried To Defend The Clause On The

ground of economy—the saving of litigation—but for our part we regard no money as wasted which is spent on the independence of the Judiciary. If the Clause had been passed Acts......

For The Third Time A Joint-conference Between The Masters...

the operatives in the cotton industry has broken down. It had been hoped that the conference would be able to make some rearrangement about " clean- ing time " which would give......

* * * * Sir Rennell Rodd (unionist) ..

.. 12,859 Mr. David Ross (Labour) .. .. 6,721 Mr. Basil Murray (Liberal) .. • • .. .. 3,318 Unionist majority .. .. 6,138 The result of the last election, in 1924, was :- Sir......

This Decision Is Of Much Greater- Constitutional Impor-...

might appear at first sight. If the Clause had been passed a Government Department, trying to administer a badly drafted Act, could have gone to the High Court for advice, even......

But It Was Not Quite Such A Non-stop Run As

that of the London and North-Eastern. No arrangement was made for a change of the driving staff while the train was moving. A halt was made outside Carlisle Station to change......

Bank Rate, 4-} Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.,

on April 21st, 1927. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 101* s.d. ; on Wednesday week 100*x.d. ; a year ago 100 $;:.d. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 901; on......