[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]
SIR,—Lovers of animals have reason to be grateful to you for the manner in which you have lately been voicing their claims. May we, with your help, draw the attention of your readers to the annual celebration of Aninials' Welfare Week, which begins in this country on Sunday, May 6th ? The " Week" is now being observed in a great number of districts from north to south of the country, and serves to direct public attention simultaneously to the many aspects of the animals' welfare movement. It is especially desired that all who have any share in education should recognize the opportunity to promote the, proper treatment of animals. Information will be gladly foiwarded on request being made to the Secretary, National Council for Animals' Welfare, 11 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C. 2. Inquiries and offers of assistance of any kind would be gratefully received.—We are, Sir, &c.,
Jonw Gsrswoirmy, President ; ERNEST BELL, . Hon. Treasurer ; EMIT Y LUTYENS, Hon. Secretary ; J. LEONARD CATmea, Hon. Org. Secretary.