5 MAY 1928, Page 28

THE RING FENCE. By Eden Phillpotts. (Hutchinson. 7s. 6d.)—In this

new Dartmoor novel we see the tragi-comedy of youth's revolt against age played out among a simple village community. The style is leisurely and discursive, and several love stories, all of which are variations on the main theme, run concurrently. The chief protagonists are Abraham hurchward and his son, John. Abraham's ambition is to Marry John to Cecily Narracott, and by so doing to incor-

horate the neighbouring farm into his own. John's heart, wever, is set on Eve Mulliss, and youth and love finally have their way. The story has its dramatic moments. But its main charm lies in its quiet and natural descriptions of country life and charaeter.