5 MAY 1928, Page 36


With last year the Scottish Utnion and National Insurance Company completed its latest qtunquennium. The results are good and the company has been able to declare a bonus at the _rate of 43s. per cent. on sums assured in respect of partici- pating policies. This rate is announced by way of interim bonus bn policies becoming claimed prior to January 1st, 1933. 'Out of the total surplus --of 11,574,360, the sum of £981,415 is allocated to policy holders, while £171,409 is transferred to Profit and Loss and £421,586 is carried forward. There was an underwriting profit in the Fire Department of £166,374, and, including interest, the surplus was £221,736. The total profits, including 1171.409 from the life accounts, were £427,193. An amount of £400,000 is transferred from Profit and Loss account to the Capital Account of the Mari- time Insurance Company, the shares of which are all owned by the Scottish Union, thus making the capital of that com- pany fully paid up.

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