Goslin:: awl Par' er, East ft 'instead, grocers— L. and M. 3litchell, Lectls, straw-bat- makers—Phelps and Evans, Wells, attornies— Samuel and Sparrow, Lower Shailwell, rag-men-loins —halals:1y and Loughborough, St. Thomas's Street. Southmark, attor- ti —Patt ison and Marston, Carlisle, soda-a ateran LaWsoli and 1 It it ',hien,. bary. bankers —Titterin;tuti and Steel, Leeds. flax-dressers—Taylor and Rushton, Lanett:ter, slaters—Craven and Robinson, Thornton, Vol kshire, worsted.staffinanti- facturers—Itavis and Co. Bristol, teallealers—Ruiley and Co. Salford, grocers—Coates and Thackrity, Leeds, coach-proprietors—Ay res and Co. Stalbrook, halliers—North and Harrisati, Woodstock, atter:des-at-law-11. C. and C. Berkeley, Lincoln's Inn, at tornies—Anichini awl Co. Fenchureli Street, East India brokers—Sides and Liugard, Cliorltott-upon-atedlock. Lancashire, common-brewers—Robinson and Son, Keightley, tinplate-workers—R. F. and W. Pate. Wisbech, merchants —Hounstield and Co. Man- attester, and Sager and Co. New York, commission-merchants—Hall and Freeman, St. John Street, woollen diapers—Parkins and the Shareholders in the St. Mar!. lebonc Ban7, Cavendish Sqllare, bankers ; as far as regards Parkins—Busk and the Share- holders of the St. Marylebone Bank, Cavendish Square, bankers.
IIILL,THoMAs, Uppingliam, woolstapler, from Oct. 25 to Dec. 13. t.z, JOHN THOMAS, Uppinght,m,woolstapler. from Oet. 25 to Dec.13.
IIEDGIS, JAMES BROOKER, Croydon, grocer.
COLLTSON, JOHN Wain, and GEORGE WEBB, Quadrant, linendrapers, to surrender. Nov. 11, Dec. 13: solicitor, Mr. Jones, Size Lane ; official assignee. Mr. Johnson, Basinghall Street.
Coven:am.% STEPHEN, Stroud, Kent, grocer, Nov. 9, Dec. 13: solicitors, Messrs. Hind:mush and Son, Jewin Crescent ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basiugliall Street.
DALE., .ions, ntat arms:, Eat, Manchester. manufacturing-chemists, Nov. 15. Dec. 13 : solicitor, ales,rs. Baxter. Liticolit's Inn Fields; and Mr. Sale, Manchester.
Daftnrsitt Hy, EDWARD, and BARLOW, NI:COAST, Manchester, pewer.loom-clothhia- nufacturers. Nov. le, Dec. 13: solicitors, Messrs. Baxter, I.incoln's luu Fields ; and Mr. Sale. Manchester.
DAS :Fs, DAVID, N cwbridge, Glamorganshire, general-shopkeeper, Nov. 16, Dee. 13 solicitors, Messrs. Meredith and Reeve, New Square, Liucoln's inn; and Mr. Rankin Bristol. EASIER. Jobs, Preston, hop-merchant, Nor. 3. Dec. 13: solicitors, Messrs. Swain DWI Co. Frederick's Place, 01.1 Jewry ; and Mr. Stanley, Preston. ELLIOTT, JOHN, Fiuslatry Place, Finsbery Square, livery-stable keeper, Nov. 8, Dec. 13: solicitors, Messrs. Smith and Weir, Cooper's I lall, Basinghall Street ; official as- signee, Mr. Green, Aldermanbury. JAMES, Montagu Mews, Montagu Square, hackney-man, Nov. 9, Dec. 13: solicitor, Mr. Robinson, Orchard Street, Portman Square; official assignee, Mr. Gold- smith, Ironmonger Laue. KENT, WILLIASI, and GREEN. HENRY, Liverpool, woollenalrapers, Nov. 14, Dec. 13: solicitors. Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford Slow; and Mr. Payne, Liverpool.
LACY. THOMAS, and IlesziwEEs, Wizstast. Siansfield. Yorkshire, cotton-spinners, Nov. 17, Dec. 13: solicitors, Messrs. Johnson and Co. Temple; and Messrs. Higson and Son, 3Ianchester. PEACOCK, JAMES GREEN, Allhallows Lane, merchant, Nov. 9, Dec. 13: solicitors, Messrs. Vetting and Naylor, Tokenhouse Yard ; official assignee, Mr. Green, Alder- mauburv.
TID0,-JOHN TINKER, and MALLANDAINE, JOHN, Chelsea, candle-manufacturers, Nov. 8, Dec. 13: solicitor, Mr. Hill, Copthall Court ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Rasing- hall Street. DIVIDENDS.
Nov.22, Eve, Bath, milliner—Nov. 24, Staples, Castle Street East, oilman—Nov. 24, Schlesinger, Strand. merchant—Nov. 22, Ilebblewhite, Kingston-upon. Hull, woollen- draper—Nov. 29, Brookes, Newport, Shropshire, scrivener—N-6. 25, Ireland and Myth, Birmingham, factors—Nov. 23, Aston. Eoll End, StaffonIshire, coalmaster—Nov. 30, Howarth, Lane Side, Lancashire, cotton-spinner—Nov. 21, Hider, Brighton. builder—
Nov. 23. Weaver. Bristol, wine-merchant—Nov. 25, Daniell, Boulogne, copper-smelter —Dec.1, Ditchfield, Liverpool, grocer.
To be granted, assess cause be shown to the contrary, on or before Noty. 22. Looker, Oxford, scrivener—Rinder. Kirkstall. Yorkshire. butcher—Grdye, Dasslisb, Devonshire, music-seller—Morris. Prince's Street, Leicester Square, feather-dresser.
TuossesoN and Co. Dundee, merchants, Nov.5, 19,
Friday, Non. 4.
Gould and Vickerman, Manchester. fustian-shearers—Bodenham and Stephens, Yeos via, glove-manufacturers—E. and J. Topham, Eaton-upon-Tern. Shropshire. farmers— Wood and l'idler, Bideford, corn-factors—Burrell and Wells, White Dart Court, Lom- bard Street. attornies—Hyde and Co. Ashton-under-Line, cotton spinuers—G., T., and S. Wilson, Bradford, Yorkshire, linen drapers—Kershaw, and Co. Manchester, calico- printers — I iollinworth and Sons. Hollingworth, Cheshire, woollen-clot hiers—Lyous and Barwick, Brighton, pawnbrokers—Harper and Cooper, Oxford, hatters—Dutton and Alcock, Manchester, commission-agents—Draper and Bacon, Church Lane, White- chapel, carriers—Hall and Woolf, Manchester. packers—Gillet and Co. Manchester, brick-makers ; as far as regards J. Ogden—Richardson and Fallows, Liverpool. vinegar- manufacturers—Young and Co. Leeds, dyers—Seaman and Co. Newcastle Wharf, Macclesfield Street, City Road, coal-merchants; as far as regards G. Seaman—Billing- ton and Co. Ashton-under-Line, cotton.spinncrs; as far as regards J. Brooke—Jess ops and Jackson, watchmakers; as far as regards J. Jackson.
COOPER, HENRY, London Street, Ratcliffe, flour-factor, Nov. 1.
W'ILDISH,THOMAS, Cooper's Row, wine-merchant. Nov. 4.
BARTHOLD, WILLIAM, Great Tower Street, merchant, to surrender Nov. 11, Dec.
16: solicitors, Messrs. Druce and Son, Billiter Square; official assignee, Mr. Gold.- smid, ironmonger Lane.
DHEWE, JOSEPH, Keynsham, Somersetshire, scrivener, Nov. 18, Dec. 16: solicitor,
Mr. Simmons, Keynsham. -ss
DUNCAN, JAMES, St. Mary Axe, cheesemonger, Nov. 9, Dec.16: solicitors, Messrs.. Mitchell and Hill, New London Street ; official assignee, Mr. Gibson, Basinghall Street. ELSISLIE, ALEXANDER, Long Lane, Southwark, chemist. Nov. 12, Dec. 16 : solici- tors, Messrs. Drew, Bermondsey Street ; official assignee, Mr. Gibsou, Basinghall Street. HAYLMORE, Jams, Abchurch Lane, currier, Nov. 12, Dec. 16: solicitor, Mr. Richard- son, Ironmonger Lane; official assignee, Mr. Green. Aldermanbury MILLER, JOHN, Bristol, nurseryman, Nov. 28, Dec. 16 : solicitous, Messrs. Makin- son and Sanders, Middle Temple; and Mr. Ilaberlield, Bristol.
Surrtr. Tin:aux, Southampton Street, Strand, wine.merchant, Nov. 11. Dec.16 : so. licitor, Mr. Taylor, North Buildings, Finsbury Circus; official assignee, Mr. Belcher. Kings Arms Yard. Tsts Ltt, II setae. Grenada Terrace, Stepney, master-mariner, Nov. 11, Doc.16 : soli- citor, Mr. Wade, Hatton Court, Threadueedle Street ; official assignee, Mr. Johnson, Basin hall Street.
Tune Psoe, Tri0Mas. Itrydges Street, slue-merchant, Nov. 16. Dec. 16; solicitor. Mr. Atkins,While Hart Court, Lombard Street ; official assignee. Mr. Lackiugtou, Basinghall Street.
IV mom, HENRY, Wigan, tailor. Nev. 24, Dec. 16, solicitors, Messrs. Adlington and Co. Bedford flow ; and Mr, Gaskell, Wigan
Nov. 26, Marsh, Great Scotland Yard, nav■-anent-Dec. 12. 13, Scholfield and Clouell, Selby and 'hoyden. bankers -Dec. 13, Clarkson. Selby, butuker-Nov. 26, Barker, Sudbury. grocer-Dee. 5, Chambers. Birmingham, publican-Nov. 30, Hand. Molleston. Pembrokeshire, cual-merchant -Nov. 30. Spumous, Haverfordwest, draper -Dec. 16, Gleadhill, Oldham, cotton-spin ilor-Nov. 29, Orlidge, Bristol, wine-merchant.
it/ to granted, unless cause !e thou-n to the contrary on or beAre Nee. 23.
Hadley, Cradley, NVorcestershile, queer-Hodges, Liverpool. merchant-Key. Isle- worth, linerrIraper - Popplewoll, Millbank Street, coal-nnrchaet-Nleaden, Mau- chester, innkeeper - Christmas, Church Passage, Rotherhit lie, eementonanteact arm - Weston, south A %nvy Street, coal-merchant --Crosby, Newcastle• pen-l'ynr, builder.