The Augsburg Gazette States, That Fears Are Entertained...
male- contents of Italy should trouble the existing order of things in that country.......
Mr. Spring Rice Is Reported To Have Reached Dublin On
his way to London. Fortunate it is for that gentleman, that the Whig party can. not supply even a tolerable Chancellor of the Exchequer : were there any eligible candidate for......
Lord Glenelg dined with a party of his friends at Inverness on Friday week. The speech he delivered on that occasion throws no light on the future policy of Ministers. A......
Letters From Bayonne Mention, That Lord John Hay Had...
General EVANS of his intended departure from before St. Sebastian, as he had received orders from his Government to do all in his power to prevent the capture of Bilboa by the......
Several Members Of Parliament And Other Persons Attended...
House of Commons yesterday, to try the effect of certain alterations in the interior, made under the superintendence of Dr. REID of Edinburgh, for the purpose of improving the......
Ryan, The Hero Of The Late Tithe Homicide At Dunkertin,
has been ar- rested upon a charge of wilful murder, and committed to gaol accord- ingly. It is improper to prejudge a case of this description ; but the concurrent testimony of......
§lh Bdeutisnceud.
Lord John Frederick Gordon is appointed a Lord of the Bed. - chamber, in the room of Lord Elphinstone. Who is this Lord John Gordon ? The name sounds very like that of a Tory;......
A Numerous Meeting Of The Creditors Of The City Of
Edinburgh was held last week to take into consideration the proposal made by the Magistrates, and approved of by the Trustees, for a settlement of the debt. No final decision......
In The Municipal Elections Of Edinburgh, The Account Of...
is received this morning, the Voluntaries have beat the Church party.......
The Paris Correspondent Of The Times Says That The Swiss
quarrel is all but arranged. M. KELLER, who drew up the report on the affair of CONSEIL which gave so much offence to France, had expressed his wish to have it considered as......
• SATURDAY NIGHT. THE Paris Papers of Thursday state, that another abortive attempt at a military insurrection occurred at Vendome (in the department of the Cher and Loire), on......