Pretty Books.
Tile tribe of Annuals is increasing in size and splendour. At first they appeared in delicate covers of silk or embossed paper, enclosed in a ease, altnanack-wise—a sort of......
Some Of The Monthly Picture Periodicals, As Each...
is completed, are put into handsome bindings, to tempt fresh purchasers in their " Annual" shape. Among these, we have before us the First Volumes of the Landscappe-Historical......
From The London Gazettes. Tuesday, Nor. I.
PARTNEREHIPs DISSOLVED. Goslin:: awl Par' er, East ft 'instead, grocers— L. and M. 3litchell, Lectls, straw-bat- makers—Phelps and Evans, Wells, attornies— Samuel and Sparrow,......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
BIRTHS. At Northbrook House, Maths, the Right lion. Lady MARIA Saurrosasorr, of a son. On the 1st inst., at Leamington, the Lady Louisa SVII1TMORE, of a daughter. On the 1st......
The Army.
WA R-opetcE, Nov. 4.—lst Regt. I.ife Guards: R. Bromley. Gent. to be Cornet and Sub-Lieut. by purchase, vice Harvey, who retires-14th Regt. of Foot Lieut. J. Frith, float the......