A numerous meeting of the creditors of the City of
Edinburgh was held last week to take into consideration the proposal made by the Magistrates, and approved of by the Trustees, for a settlement of the debt. No final decision was come to on the proposition, as a number of the creditors had not declared their opinion, but, in order that they might do so, the meeting adjourned for four weeks. The amount of debts due to the creditors who voted was upwards of 267,000/. ; of which those who had claims for 213,0001. voted in favour of the or of the Magistrates, and claimants to the amount of 53,0001. voted against it. The four-fifths of the city debt amounts to 320,000/, and creditors to that sum will be required to adhere to the proposal before it can be accepted.—Edinburgh Courant.
Sir John Campbell has been proposed by the Liberal students at Glasgow University for their Lord Rector.
The cotton manufactures in the West of Scotland are exceedingly brisk ; it being found hardly possible to execute all the orders received at New Lanark. A mill burnt down in 1819 has been rebuilt, and a water-wheel 36 feet in diameter is making to drive the machinery. All the iron-works are in full operation, and in general the manufactures of all kinds were never in greater activity.