BRITIS II FUNDS. (Closin;, Prices.) Saturday Monday Tuvs,lay Wanes. Thurs.
3 per front .Consuls :4!•'';
SS/ S31 883
Ditto for .1couatit Sit SS!
:1 per Cent. Redacted 8;i
Sit 871 S74 88
34 per Cents. Reduced 96)
96} , 96k 9Gt
t; t
New 31 per Cents 9; ;
93 971 93
Long .1 :utilities l 141 142 14.4 111 141
Bank Sleek , S pm Ct i 283 206 206 205t 2051
India Stock.10f p Cl - 2561 255t .256
Exchequer Hills,' td.palleml 1 dis, 1 pm. 1 this. 3
Ditto 2I1 1 par 2 pin 2 par 3 ptn.
India liowis,3t per Cent i 3 pm. 5 5 4 5 3 REIGN FUNDS.
during the ‘Peek. ending Friday evening.) 924 Mexican (deferred) 5 p. Ct. - - Ditto, ( Ditto) 6 I -
100y Nlississippi (New) 6 i -
SI Neapolitan of 1824 5 - New York(pay ble.1S43) 5 -
43 Ditto (Ditto 1837) 6 - 91
22t Ohio 6 --
"4, Penns) lvauia (pay1838 ) 5
531 Peruvian 1001 Portuguese 5 73f. 50e. Ditto, 3 103r 25e. Ditto New 5 Prussian 4 93 linssian of 1822 S - Ditto (Metallic) 5 22 Spanish Consolidated Iteloan Brazilian 5 - ao., .1 y r,•6 Colombian of 1324 6 Danisb 3
Dated. Ex 12 (Sunders) 2t -
Ditto (Ditto) 5 -
Freud, Ditto 5
Greek .11825 5 Lottisian 5 Mexican 5 Ditto 6
(Last Offictul Quotation Alaban:awayable 1863) 5 p.0 t.i Aus:rian 5 - 161 68 35f 551 197 201 exal SHARES. (Last Official Quotation during the Week, ending Friday evening.)
Anglo-Mexican Mines - Commercial Docks 58
Bolanos - East India 118 ea.
Brazilian Imperial 211 London 57 British Iron St. Katharine 88
Real del Monte (Unregistered) . Is w...t India -
United Mexican 2 Hibernian Joint Stock Bank ,. - Australian Agricultural 381 London and Westminster Bank 221 Canada Company 36f Natioual Provincial Bunk General Steam Navigation - Provincial Bank of Ireland.... 41 G It A 1 N.
MARK LANK, FRIDAY. NOV. 4. 4, 1. S. S. S. S. S. •. Whert,Red New 4010 411 ! nye, New 3,... 36 Maple 41 .. 43 Oats, Feed, 24 .. 27 Fine ..... ..,. 50 .. 56, latrley, Stained 28 .. 47 White 68 .. 42 Fine... 47 .. 48 Wh• us, New.. 4/1 .. 52; Mailing 40 .. 43 110,1er. 45 .. 46 Poland... 46.. 28 Fine ..... .... 55 .. 58' staff, Ordinary 51i .. 63 Henn., Ticks... oil .. 35 Fine... ED .. SO Superfine ... se .. 04 Fine 63 .. C6 Old.... ...... 38 .. 42 Potato... SI .. 32 Old 63.. 20. rens,1102 38 .. 41 [Noon 0.. 0 Fine... 23., 54
,‘Ituu • (Imperial) oi England end Wales,
48. 04. Ilye 34.,. 54. Harley ...... .. 35 1 Kenos 11 0 oat. 24 0 l'ens 39 1 outs on FOREIGN CORN for the pre.ent Week. Whiat 30 . 04. Hye .... ...... 21.. El. llariey 9 9 4 Beans 10 I'Lx5 0 0 Out le 0 tt
Tau's-made ......... ....persark 45 %to 501. Seconds ........ ................ .... 40 .. 45 Essex rialt1 Suirolk,on bonidship.... 88 .. 45 Norfolk and Stockton '8 .. 40 RHEA 0.... GaAs H. the 41h. 1.00( BUTTER.... Best Fresh 15,61 node..
Kent eockets........perc.t . 41. 45... 51. 0, Choke Ditto......„, ......... 6 10 .. 7 I. so.. 1 Pockets 4 0 .. 4 15 superlineltion 5 19 ..3 15 META LS.
lion, in Rio. 101.15104.1n 01. 010 POTATOES. Tilton Ilats 0 0 0 .. 5 7 0 Senteli Reds 1 f. Os. Ed. 10 01. CS. Od. .4.nek..ler.r...„...T.,eih. 0 8 4 .. 0 0 0 Ntidaiing 0 I 9 .. 0 2 0 Copper. Coke, per 1on 103 0 0 .. 0 0 0 Ware 0 2 6 .. 11 3 6 I Lena, Fig 9 0 0 .. 24 0 0
IlAY AND STRAW. (Per load of 36 Trusses.)
114y, Good 921. to 118'. .... 001 to 95r. 1101. to 045. Inferior 0 .. 0 Nen 0- 0 I/ .. 0 0 .. 0 Clone DO .. Its 65 .. 115 95 .. 112 SM.., WI,,t 34 .. 40 33 .. 40 87 .. 42 115'. to 951.
0 0
70 .. 95
145 ..12O
as .. 40
Or. 04. to 3,. 05. to 4..
4 4 1/ 0 0 0 o 0 0 4 8 4 8 .. 5 11 0
U 0 .. 0 o .. 0 0
BUTCHERS' MEAT. NEWGATE AND LEA DF:NI1A1.1..• D. 41. to 0.. 44 to 81.104. ........
Beef murnot.•...
gent 4 0 .. 4 .. 5 0 LAM,. 0 0 ..
4 To sink the i07.11 per In.
Rape nil per tun 51/. IC..
....... ......• • ....... 53 10
in a'ntl)il ....... ........ 89 10
Linseed Oil Cake at the 5111 per100t, 13 11 Rope Caki. per ton 5 10
Raw Fat, per stone es. 84.
End, Be. t ......per ton lin. to 251.3!, ........ Inferior 19 23 3
muscovado.... ....... per cwt. 44. 3/41. to 0 Molasse.., ...... .......... 80, 0 BULLION.
Gold, Poriu,n,, in Coin per or. 0/. et. Od.
Foreign, in Bars 3 17 101
... New tloobl,.osn 0 0 0
Silver, in Pw., standard 0 5 ek
.... New Dollni 0 4 U.