In the Westminster Registration Court, on Wednesday, Mr. Craig, die
Barrister, decided against eighty.eight claimants of the franchise on the ground of being shareholders in Exeter-hull. Almost all of these were Tories.
The proprietors of the Stock Exchange claimed to be registered as voters for Middlesex, but their claims were rejected.
At a meeting of the Council of the London University, on Tuesday, Lord Brougham stated that he was authorized by Mrs. Mary Flaherty, of Mansionhouse, Hammersmith, to communicate that lady's intention to place at the disposal of the Council the sum of .5000/. Three-and-a- 19alf per Cents., fur the benefit of the University, and the advancement of civil and religious liberty. The Council passed a resolution ex. pressive of their sense of Mrs. Flaherty's extraordinary munificence, and assuring her that the money should be applied in the most effectual mariner for furthering the great objects of the institution.
It is reported that the Blackwell Railway Company are in treaty with the Directors of the East India Company for the purchase of the East India House, for the purpose of converting it into a depot.
In the Court of King's Bench, on Thursday, the Attorney-General obtained a conditional rule for a mandamus, to be directed to the Guar- dians of the Poor of the parish of St. Pancras, calling upon them to obey an order of the Poor-law Commissioners of the 9th July 1836. The parishioners of St. Pancras, by a local Act of Parliament, are empowered to elect their own Directors, and claim exemption from the provisions of the new Poor-law Act. The present application is to try the question of the jurisdiction of the Commissioners in the affairs of that parish. In the Central Criminal Court, on Tuesday, sentences were passed on the prisoners convicted at the Sessions just closed. Four were condemned to be hanged ; thirteen to be transported for life, four for fourteen years, and forty-two for seven years.
A fire broke out on Monday night in the Bank-note piloting-office of the Bank of England. As the fire was discovered soon after it broke out, by one of the gentlemen whose duty it is to make an hourly survey of the premises, it was hoped that it would have been extin- guished by the engines and the firemen of the Bank ; but it was found necessary to apply to the Fire Police establishment. It was com- pletely got under about five in the morning.
About nine o'clock on Thursday night, a fire was discovered in the coach-building premises of Mrs. Ann Brooks, Commercial Place! City Road : it soon reached the wadding-factory of tlyd., mid Co. ; and both buildings were burnt down. Several houses and shops in the neighbourhood were more or less damaged. There was a good supply of water, and many engines were soon on the .spot; but the fire spread with great rapidity, and consumed property estimated alto- gether at about 15,000/.