5 NOVEMBER 1836, Page 5

Lord Eliot, in a second address to the electors of

East Comma, asserts that he has received promises of support from a decided ma- jority. Ile complains that Sir Hussey Vivian has not been suffirienft explicit in the avowal of his political sentiments ; and observes—" who for several years sat on the same side of the I louse of Commons as Sir Hussey Vivian, and supported the same Government, am per- snarled he is us averse to what are culled organic changes as I can be.'

We are informed. on good authority, that Mr. Slaney will oust one of the Tory Members for Shrewsbury at the next election. lndecd it is not unlikely that both of the present inefficient Members may be turned out. Sir John Hamner is considered a petulant boy without brains; and as for Mr. Cresset Pelham, be cannot be depended upon for am hour together. The Tories, it is said, intend putting Sir Thomas Acland is nomi- nation for North Devon on the next It is said that Mr. Bich and Sir William Ingilby will he candidates fur Knareshorough at the 'lest Election, with every prospect•of turnise out the present Tory Members.

Mr. John Phillpstts has been invited by the Liberals of-Gloucester to become their candidate at the next election.

The Flintshire Reformers are about to give an entertainment to their Member, the Honourable E. L. Musty-IL—South ]lidos Ciro- nick. The late Tory dinner at Leeds appears to have been a very black- guard affair. One of the company, a AIr. Linsley, shouted, while Mr. Wonky was abustes Ministers, that " they were u lot of damned rascals ;" and this elegant exclamation elicited loud applause from doe refined assembly.