The gloom which has for some time pervaded commercial affairs, has been materially increased today, by the receipt of intelligence of more than one failure of importance at Antwerp. The accounts from Paris of this morning, and those from Amsterdam received last night, are also of a very unfavourable character ; and these circumstances, coupled with souse failures in the City, have thrown considerable impediments in the way of business, by rendering the negotiation of foreign b:Ils of exchange, by any but houses of the first character, a matter of difficulty. A further indisposition to exchange opera- tions has been produced to day by the state of the Corn-market ; upon which the unfavourable weather of last week, by destroying all hope of saving a con- siderable portion of the yet unhoused harvest in the North of England and in Scotland, has produced a considerable rise. Foreign Wheat in bend is 5$. per quarter higher, and English corn has also improved 2s. This renders an Importation very probable ; and, as a necessary consequence of this meaQure, a further export of gold must take place, and drive still lower our already depressed exchanges. Money still continues in demand for commercial 'sur- fres ; and the rate of discount is higher than 5 per cent. In the Stock Exchange, however, it is plentiful; and the only market which has es inced any weakness is that for Exchequer bills : it is kept down by the recurrence of large sales, said to be on behalf of the Bank of England. Some considerable sales have also occurred in the Heavy Stocks on the behalf of the Scotch Banks ; but the prices both of these Stocks and Consols have been well main- tained, and till to-day have not evinced any tendency to decline. Slight symp- toms of feebleness have, however, been manifested this murnicg; but the fidl has not exceeded j per cent. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock is now quoted without the Coupon due on the 1st instant, and which will be in due course exchanged for Deben- ture., receivable in payment of the customs duties of the Island of Cuba. The fluctuation in the price in the stock has been between l9j and 20. The Coupons have been sold at from 25 to 90 per cent. : a great deal of business was done in them between those prices. The notification by M. AlExntzABAl., of his intention to adopt some other arrangement for the payment of these claims, which, though not officially made to the Bondholders, was given by him in Madrid on the 27th ult., has in a great measure put a stop to the traffic for the present.
Portuguese Bonds are steady at nearly our last prices.
There has been some fluctuation in Dutch Stock ; but it has not exceeded jj per cent. The other European Stocks have continued unmoved. Some interest has been attached by the holders of Chilian Bonds to the arrival of an agent from the Government to negotiate upon the subject of the overdue Dividends; but this circumstance has not caused any alteration iu the price of the Stock.
The other South American Securities are neglected.
We cannot quote any transactions of importance in the Railway Shares; but the markets generally are heavy.
3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cent. Reduced New 31 per Cent Anna India 'Muck Bank Stock
Exchequer Bills Belgian 5 per Cents
Brazilian 5 per Cents 891 891 1 874 07e — — 3dis. 2 pm. 991 1001 801 If i
Danish 3 per Cents.
Dutch 24 per Cents Mexican 6 per Cents
Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts
Ditto 3 per Cent. Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip Prussian (1819)5 per Cent R ussian (1822) 5 per Cent Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent
74 75 531 1 22i 1 55/ 35/ t -
1074 24 1
Scarcely any thing of importance has occurred this morning ; and our markets generally are nearly the same as yesterday. Exchequer Bills ( lid.), are 3 to I die. and (2d.) par to 2 prem. Spanish (Active) 20a a ; Deferred 8:1.1- ; Pas- sive 5a it ; and the over due Coupons are current at :36 38 per cent. Belgian Stock is quoted without the dividend; our present price of 100 is therefore equal to our last quotation of 102i. The Railway Share Market evinces a little more animation. London and Birmingham are 68 70 prem. ; Great Western 10 11 prem. ; and Greenwich 2 3 prem. ; Southampton are, however, heavy at 7 dis. SATURDAY. FOUR o'er.ocs.
The Consol Market closes at the opening price: the market is heavy, al- though no decline has taken place. Exchequer Bills are lower ; lid. being 5 to 3 die. and 2d. 1 dis. to 1 prem. Money is more in demand than it was yes- terday. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock is rather higher ; the Active Stock being 20j i, Deferred Bi i, and the Passive Si g. The Coupons are 36 37 per cent.