Lady Frances Balfour, answering Lord Cromer at a woman suffrage
meeting at Guildford on Saturday last, described him grotesquely as one who saw hordes of people advancing under the banner of simple right and justice, and who knew "that he had come too late, and that his power and principality and all the love that every despot had of reigning alone were passing from him." A more absurd description of the emancipator of the fellaheen of Egypt it would be impossible to give. Lady Frances Balfour went on to deprecate Lord Cromer's reference to Queen Victoria on the ground that her words were written at a period long before the present, and there was no reason to believe that her views did not change. One might with equal justice refuse to accept Lady Frances Balfour as a supporter of woman suffrage on the ground that there is no reason to believe that her views will not change in years to come.