[to The Editor Od The "srectatoit."1 Sin,—one Is Always...
to expect "fair play" in con- nexion with the Spectator, and to believe that it claims no allegiance to any particular party ; but this does not seem to appear in its relation......
Anglican Sectarianism.
[To THE Emma or rue "Spam/Tom:1 Sin,—May I take the liberty of enclosing for your perusal an extract from the Scotsman of November 1st, of which you may be able to make some......
Mr. Redmond's "strong Hand" Speech.
[To rag EDITOR OF THE "SPEcTITos.."] Sin,—It is with some rein& ance that I revert to "in Irish- man's" recent letters in your columns in which he conveyed to the readers of the......
Mr. Stephen Gwynn.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE " SDRCTAT011.'] SiR,—Enough of Mr. Gwynn. The correspondence invited by Mr. Gwynn's indiscretions has been most illuminating, and Mr. Cambray's letter in......
The Austrian Navy.
[To ms EDITOR Or THE 'SPECTATOR."] Sin,—The appointment of a German Naval Attache to Vienna seems to indicate that the Dual Empire does really intend to begin to take her Navy......
Mr. Lloyd George At Crediton.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR."] Srn,—Dives was criticised who fared sumptuously every day. Mr. Lloyd George criticises the idle rich, the constant pleasure-seekers of whom a......