Anglican Sectarianism.
[To THE Emma or rue "Spam/Tom:1 Sin,—May I take the liberty of enclosing for your perusal an extract from the Scotsman of November 1st, of which you may be able to make some......
The Confirmation Test For English Churchmanship.
[TO TKE EDITOR OF TEl " SPZCTAT011.1 SIR,—By way of supplement to the Bishop of Carlisle's timely words in your last issue, it may be worth while to repeat the opinion of the......
[to The Editoe Of Thz Spectator."]
SIR, — The writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews (Hebrews vi. 1-3) mentions six things as "first principles of Chrizt." They are Repentance and Faith, Baptism and the Laying on......
Letters To The Editor.
ESCHATOLOGY AT THE CHURCH CONGRESS. [to ?RE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:] SIR,—The very clever article headed "Eschatology at the Church Congress" in the Spectator of October 22nd......
[to The Eihtoe 07 The " Specs/tol")
Sin,—May a Presbyterian venture to put this question in another light? The only Confirmation of which I read in the Book of Common Prayer is Confirmation by a Bishop. But in the......