A Man-of-War in the East Indies. By A. W. Furness.
(The Westminster Press. 5s. net.)—Mr. Furness and his shipmates went out in the Sappho' to recommission the Proserpine ' at Aden. The service for which this ship was meant was the blockade of the Somali coast and the prevention of gun-running. This blockade seems to be effectual ; but though sister-ships made captures, such luck did not fall to the lot of the Proserpine.' Some smugglers were caught, but nothing more. Doubtless the business would revive if the vigilance were relaxed. Still, Mr. Furness has an interesting story to tell ; he gives us what we may call a photographic picture of life on board ship. Aden, Muscat, Bombay, and Colombo were among the places visited. It is an excellent thing to introduce British readers to this side of their countrymen's life ; and we hope that the " Log " Series to which this volume belongs is prospering as it deserves.