On Friday Sir Samuel Hoare pointed out that the unem-
ployed man who got 28s. in 1929 gets 32s. today, and Major Tryon pointed to exports up from 365 to 44o millions since 1932. Sir John Simon, winding up on Monday, quoted J. A. Spender—" To speak of the workers as slaves living in slums exploited by wicked men, would be unflattering to these workers if they did not know it was untrue." And if the Opposition says the country has no confidence in the Government, Sir John insists that it has even less confidence in the Opposition. This is true. But the Government ought to take note of the more confident tone of the Opposition speeches. An Opposition speaker ought to sound like an inspired prophet of Israel denouncing a degenerate people doomed to early destruction. Nature has not given Mr. Attlee a voice which helps him very much in this line. But Noel Baker, Tom Williams, Herbert Morrison, and Hugh Dalton are all doing much better. Hugh Dalton managed to be effective without being bitter.