A Spectator's Notebook
P ERHAPS after all there was justification for the mis- givings felt, though not always expressed, in various quarters regarding the Duke of Windsor's visit to Germany —not by......
I Am Accused By A Well-known Ecclesiastic Of Being Guilty
of " a dogmatic negative," and I am constrained to admit that it was so. Writing last week of the pomp and circum- stance that attended the funeral of Private McGowan at......
It Seems A Sensible Thing From The French Point Of
view to re-open the Paris Exhibition next year ; a great part of it was only ready this year months after the official opening, and the immensity of the crowds that have been......
The Simplest Tributes To Dick Sheppard Are The Truest. "
I feel that I have lost a personal friend, though I never met him " someone wrote to me, and thousands of people must have been using precisely those words in the past week. The......
* * * The Law Report Page Of Wednesday's Times
forms a rather grim reminder of the perils amid which newspapers have to navigate in these days. The first case reported hinged on damages and costs which the Daily Mirror......
The Right Way With Drink
T HIS month the coming-of-age of the Carlisle system for the control of the liquor traffic is being cele- brated—or rather, since little in the way of publicity or ceremonial......
Hic And Hoc " In The Report Of Monday's Hearing
of the case against Miss — it was inadvertently stated that Mr. Cartwright Sharp, for the prosecution, alleged that during dinner at a club before the accident Miss — ' had......