* * * * E .m.i . Results.
These for the past year are quite excellent, the net profit f Electrical and Musical Industries having risenfrom £266,789 £363,964. The Directors, however, have merely main-......
Celanese Profits.
The market had anticipated some reduction in the profits of the British Celanese Company and the recent statement of accounts fulfilled. expectations, the trading balance being......
Financial Notes
MARKETS QUIET BUT STEADIER. APART from British Government stocks and kindred securities, the Stock Markets have been quiet during the past week. On Monday and Tuesday business......
Electrical Industries Trust.
Some interesting figures have recently been published of the Electrical Industries Trust, of which the Chairman and Managing Director is Mr. Hartley Withers, the Managers for......
The Tin Position.
Although the latest tin statistics were a surprise to the market in the sense that they showed a decrease in supplies of 204 tons, whereas a substantial increase had been......