5 NOVEMBER 1937, Page 43


Some interesting figures have recently been published of the Electrical Industries Trust, of which the Chairman and Managing Director is Mr. Hartley Withers, the Managers for the Trust being the Allied Investors Fixed Trust, Limited. The company, it will be remembered, was formed in March of last year to enable the investing public to take an interest in the shares of Electrical Supply equipment and kindred under- takings. Interest in the present statement by the Trust centres in the fact that it makes an examination of the results of the forty-one companies included in the Trust, this examination showing that in the last two years the profits of the companies have increased from £11,203,000 to £12,541,000. As for the yields on the units, the last two distributions, covering a complete year of the Trust, amounted to £4 Is. IId. per cent. per annum from cash dividends, plus £1 4s. iod. per cent. from recurring bonuses and rights. The price of the units at the end of October was 18s. 6d.

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