Taking the week as a whole, however, top marks go
to Mr. Anthony Eden—not for the first time. Everyone had been shooting at him for the last many days. Noel Baker proved he was destroying the League, Lloyd George proved he was helping Franco, Herbert Morrison proved he was class conscious, and Hugh Dalton proved he was throwing away the Empire. Under this barrage of criticism some Govern- ment supporters appeared to be a little less confident about their foreign policy than before. However, Mr. Eden, with the advantage of having most of the speeches in print over the week-end, came down to the House on Monday, told Mussolini what he thought of his support for German colonies, and proved that most of the Opposition did not know what they were talking about. How, for example, did Mr. Noel Baker suppose the League could take action on Spain, when two nations voted against, and fourteen nations did not vote for, a resolution on Spain even though that resolution proposed no action ? The House wishes him well in his expedition to Brussels, upon which he set forth almost as soon as he finished speaking.