You'll get in trouble if you make this your address. (Two words.) to. This connoisseur is more than extravagant.
12. " I, thus neglecting worldly . . , all dedicated
To closeness, and the bet- tering of my mind."
14. " Chaste as the . . . , That's curded by the frost from purest snow."
15. Vowels.
16. rev. Become sound.
17. This kind of lace does not go to the head.
18. Bird which often appears about the first of the month.
19. How to ride a waterfall ? 21. Expresses concern.
23. Authority to confine an animal.
25. rev. 23.
27. rev. Ostrich of divine origin.
28. rev. Triumphant.
29. Scalping might be this-but no one would consider it superficial.
32. My first is unchecked in 7, my second in 33.
33. Adherent of John of Gaunt's family.
DOWN 2. rev. Before her end, this person takes to dope.
3. Whimsical part of a steam- engine.
4. A valley on the moon.
5. " But woe awaits a country when She ...s the (24)s of bearded men."
6. rev. eMn.a"de by an indignant person.
7. Concerning a short man.
8. rev. Climbing, twining plant.
9. Grows in the hearth.
If). A fisherman might welcome this kind of a wind, but not so the rifleman.
It. Faithful friend who gets hatred.
12. rev. Yielding that is largely subject to tax.
13. rev. Held axe (anag.).
20. Causes to move.
22. Display of temper found in the theatre ?
24. rev. See 5.
26. Current of air.
28. rev. Insect to be got out of
the Upas tree of Java.
3o. This owing, makes you cunning.
31. My first is unchecked in 22,
my second in 26.