5 OCTOBER 1912, Page 10


The Life of Nelson. By Geoffrey Callender, B.A., R.N. College, Osborne. (Longmans and Co. ls. 6d.)—The Nelson epic will always bear re-telling by so gifted a writer as Mr. Geoffrey Callender, whose arresting style, sympathy, enthusiasm, and humour enable him to add as well as to reproduce. From his position at Osborne College, and from the general scheme of the book, we infer that Mr. Callender writes primarily for the young, but he has produced a work of historical and literary merit far beyond what that half-contemptuous reservation usually for no very good reason implies—a work worthy to rank with Kingsley's "Heroes." At all events, the cheapness of the edition should ensure it a wide public. Apart from the glamour of its heroic side, Mr. Callender's clear descriptions of Nelson's tactics, apt as a rule to prove no less puzzling to the reader than to the enemy, but explained in this instance with a seaman's knowledge and simplicity, make the book specially valuable.