Historic Portraits.
[To ran Eamon or ran "Erscraros."] SIR,—I have read with much interest Mr. John Lane's letter in your last issue. In justice to Mr. Asquith, I do not think he really understood......
A Lady Who Worked With Florence Nightingale.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sin,—Few people are aware that there is now living in Cairo, in ill-health, an aged lady, Madame Pater by name, who, to quote the Egyptian......
Wesleyans And Home Re-union.
[To THE EDIT= OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sin,—So keen and chivalrous is the interest which the Spectator consistently takes in all that promotes good feeling between the various......
The Psychology Of Cattle. [to The Editor Or Thz...
SIR,—In your issue of September 14th there is an article under the above heading. It recalled to my mind a remark- able instance of sagacity in a cow which came under my notice......
Quaint Norman Surnames. [to The Editor Or Tas...
notice of M. de Beaucoudray's book, "Le Langago Normand au Debut du XXe Siecle," in the Spectator of Sep- tember 21st suggests to me the idea that a study of surnames in......
The Personal Service Association.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,—Since the formation of the Personal Service Association nearly four years ago there has been a constantly increasing interest taken by......