The Slater Case.
[To THE EDITOR Or THZ "SPECTATOR. "] regret to see from your article in last Saturday's issue that you have been misled by the incurably partisan and careless booklet which Sir......
National Service.
[To THE EDITOR OP TER " SPECTATOR."] SIR, In your article last week on "National Defence," you quote Sir Ian Hamilton's remarks upon organization and training of lads, made in......
Land Settleyt1nt For Soldiers.
[To Tax Roma on THE " SPECTATOR."] you allow us to explain through your columns the objects of the Soldiers' Land Settlement Association and appeal for the funds necessary for......
The Alleged Science Of Forestry.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR:1 SIR,'-4 read in your issue of September 14th that £350,000 is to be expended by the Development Commissioners "for education and research in......