b uring this time of internal warfare, the Queen's Ministers— with
the exception of Lord MELBOURNE, who keeps to his post at theItoyal dinner-table—have spread themselves on different points in thecoun try, to watch the progress of events. The Colonial Se- tretary, after hiding himself somewhere in the North, was at length traced .by the Edinburgh " Liberals "to the house of a Tory Duke, where their invitation to a public dinner was presented. His Lordship Inns declined the proffered honour, " whatever he might have dime under other circumstances," on a plea of speedy return to London. The preparations made by the Glasgow Chartists for the reception of his Lordship in that town, and their expressed in- tention to invite Messrs. LOVETT and COLLINS to meet him, may perhaps be included among the " circumstances" which, in the present aspect of affairs, forbid his Lordship to dine at tables where uninvited guests may intrude and put teasing questions.