The Greatest Activity Prevails In The Naval Departments...
The Calcutta, ;;'4, was coo ii ioned on 1 1 1i4:1y, by Captaid Sir S. Roberts, C. II. The lloittb;,y, 81, i b‘2. tua:led my ithmit de/ay ; she is expected to be coll;miesioited......
Returns Of Corn And Flour In Bond In The Several
Ports of Great Britain on the 1st July 1838, 1839, and 1840; and of the Corn arid Flour taken out of Bond for Home Consumption in each of the three years commencing on the 1st......
Colonel Thompson, Who Is A Candidate For The...
Lei- cester at the next election, was invited by the Clhartists of that town to preside at a (honer to he given there to Mr. ',moot on his liberation from Warwick Gaol. T he......
The Number Of Petitions Presented To The House Of Commons
during the last session on matters relating to Railways, was as follows, exclu- sive of petitions connected with the bills of the several companies then before the House. For......
- Count St. Leu, The Ex-king Of Holland And Father Of'
Louis Napo- leon, has written the following letter to the Commerce Paris paper, re- specting the attempt of his son on Boulogne, and the indignity of placing him in the same......