5 SEPTEMBER 1840, page 14

Infernal Machines.

Loan MELBOURNE, after having got through all the labours of the session, and parried or evaded the attacks made on him in Par- liament for neglecting the interests of his......

The Free Exiiiimion Principle.

TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. 02, Many Street, Chester Square, 2d September 1840. SIR—Will you have the goodness to correct an error that appeared in your journal of the 15th......

T E Po R A M Lt Ta N T

U R. You , 1 ,, setil,” a hot cooling."--Sumisesas. THERE was a time when the Whig Ministers felt or affected an anxiety to meet large bodies of the public, and to value public......

East And West.

Too balance or equilibrium of the world of London is preserved by stationing the Royal Court in Westminster and the Lord Mayor's Court in the City. Within this sphere their......