Spanish affairs, instead of becoming settled now that the civil
war has terminated, threaten to become more and more distracted. The Queen Regent and ESEAUTERO are said to have quarrelled; it is also said that the Queen's departure from Barcelona to Valen- cia was hurried for the purpose of removing from the General's control. The arrangement of the Ministry is still unsettled. The great question of the Corporation-law, which has mainly caused the late disturbances in Spain, is likely to be productive of another civil war, unless the Queen relinquish her purpose of placing the corporations under the influence of the Crown. In this struggle, the object of the corporations is to maintain the unrestricted privi- leges which they obtained conditionally at the time of the Cortes Revolution. It was then understood that the law for their regula- tion should be the subject of further consideration; but they have, until the present time, succeeded in maintaining their perfect freedom. The law recently passed, and which the Queen was obliged to suspend by the riots at Barcelona, places the nomination of the Mayors in the hands of the Governments, and imposes & qualification on the members of the corporations.