The Coroner's Jury composing the inquest on the bodies of
the persons killed by the recent accident on the Eastern Counties Railroad, met again on Saturday evening, to sign the inquisition and verdict in the cases which they had investigated. The Foreman took the occasion to call attention to the animadversions of the Directors of the Eastern Counties Railway Company. If the verdict load not satisfied the Directors, the Foreman said, it had satisfied the public. The newspaper report continues—
A juror said, he had heard that it was the intention of the Company not to pay a shilling of the deodand ; but be hoped there was a way to compel them to do so. The line between Brentwood and Rumford was not in a fit state to be opened to the public, and it was proper sonic notice should be taken of it. But a few days since two trains coming down the one line in opposite directions ' had nearly run bite one another ; and if they hail done so the loss of life must have been frightful. The result was, that the London trains had to return, causing a delay of nearly two hours. Another juror inquired how many accidents happened on the line between Brentwood and Roland before the present ? It was stated there had been twelve or thirteen, terminating fatally, on the last four miles alone. Mr. Braithwaite, the chief engineer of the Eastern Counties Rail- way, has written a long letter to the Times, in which he says that therie have been only two fatal accidents on the line since it was opened, an that neither of them had any thing to do with the insufficiency or safet y of the Company's arrangements. The Times asserts that the wages of
the engine-driver, Foster, were only seven shillings a day. We under- stand that the. three coaches which previously came by railway from. Bmitwood, have since the accident returned to the turnpike .road.
The deodand is claimed by Mr. Towers, lord of the manor of South Weald. It is said to be his intention, if he succeed in making his claim good, to divide the amount between the widows of Austin, Eastman, and Foster.