The Mayor, Corporation, and inhabitants of Newport, gave a dinner on Saturday to the officers of the Forty-fifth Regiment, previous to their departure for Ireland ; as an expression of gratitude for their gallant conduct during the attack of the Chartists on that town.
The Magistrates of Montgomeryshire and the Town-Council of Welshpool are at issue upon a question of some importance. A Con- stabulary force is being established in the County; and it is intended by the county Magistrates, to merge the Borough police in that of the County. On the other hand, the Town-Council conceive that they have the power of seceding from the operation of the County Constabu- lary Act, and assessing a borough rate in the support of a local police force. The County Magistrates having resolved to take the opinion of the Law-Officers of the Crown upon this point, a meeting of the Town- Council was held to consider what was to be done. It was agreed that a case should be drawn up on the part of the Town-Council, and submitted to Sir William Follett, confessedly the best corporation-law- yer in England. It was also the general opinion of the Council, that if the County Magistrates should succeed in rating the borough of Welsh- pool for the support of the Constabulary force, the Council must, in self-defence, establish a separate Borough Quarter-sessions, under the provisions of the Municipal Corporations Reform Act.—Sulepian Jour- nal, September 2.
The Chartists at Stockport have been making a demonstration against the agitation of the Corn-law question. On Friday evening, Mr. Mur- ray, one of the Anti-Corn-law lecturers, delivered a lecture on the sub- jectin the Court-house at Stockport. The room was principally occu- pied by Chartists, who went prepared to defeat the object of the lecturer. ?dr. P. Chappel, one of the most active of the number, wished to enter into a discussion with Mr. Murray ; which the latter declined, saying be had come there to lecture, not to debate. He then retired, leaving the Chartists in the possession of the room ; when, after a few short speeches, the following resolution was carried by a large majority— "Resolved, that, through the accession of the middle class to political power through the Reform Bill, the rights and liberties of the working classes have been greatly curtailed, and their sufferings and privations greatly augmented. This meeting is, therefore, of opinion that the present agitation for a repeal of the Corn-laws is intended, not to benefit the working classes, but to promote the selfish ends of the moneyed interests, at the expense of both landlord and labourer ; an opinion which is corroborated by the fact that the Anti- Corn. law party refuse to accompany the measure of repeal with a reduction of our public establishments, and an equitable relinquishment between arbiter and creditor, which would be absolutely necessary for the labourer's protection. If any additional proof was wanting of their insincerity, it is to be found in the fact, that, while they denounce the landlords as robbers, and accuse them of filching away one-half or the poor man's loaf; they, notwithstanding, invariably take part with the robbers against the party robbed on all questions affecting our rights and liberties. Resolved, therefore, that we combine to oppose the AuttC.ern-law party until they shall have restored to us the whole of those municipal rights and franchises which they enjoy themselves, and without which we must ever continue to be slaves, no matter whatever the name or form of government under which we live."