5 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 5


It was fully expected that the new uniform of Prince Albert's liussars would have been er,mpleted in time for the soldiers to appear in it on Sunday ; but, owing to the nou-arrival of the caps, the regiment did not wear any of the new clothing. The soldiers are now, however, fully equipped, and, we believe, will parade to church next Sunday in their new dress. We are unable to announce the precise day when the review will take place. All we can state positively, according to the present arrangements, is that it is the Prince's intention to review the troops himself; although we hear, from a letter which has been received by the High Conetahle, it is probable that his Royal Highness's stay at Brighton will be limited to a very :.1o;rt perod. The day is not yet fixed ; and the illness of the Princess .`ittgusta has increased the uncer- tainty in which the arrangements are at present involved.—Brightex Gazette, September 3.

Prince Albert is about immediately to turn bis tenths] to the breed- i.:g of horses ; and extensive alterations are now proceediag in the im- mediate vieinity of Cumberland Lodge, under the superintendence of his Royal Ilighnees, where large paddoeks are being funnel, with loose horse-boxes for the Prince's le:nod-mares. The stalling is to be en- larged, and that portion which fionts due apartments occupied by the ; Lord Chamberlain is now nedere-oing considevable embellishment. The. ol(1 windows have been taken eta, and nee- clic:, introduced, painted to imitate wainscot oak—thins giving e mare " genteel" and less stable- like appearance to the edifice, in accordance with the xvishes of the Earl et (-abridge. Several of the old servants will be drafted to the Royal Mews at Windsor, to make room for the new heads who have been en- gaged to attend to his Royol Highness's brondenares at the Lodge. The Prince has secured several exeellent hentess for the ensuing season, which are now at the stables et the Lodge ; amongst which is the cele- brated horse purchased by his It eyel Hie:mess at Tattersall's a short time since, for three hundred goisiee.--.Vernisg Poet The daily papers contain a ealse:;) eelence between Captain Dnuglas, (the son of Sir Howard Dotezias. I.; ,;r1 High Commissioner ot' the Ionian Islands,) Lori Charles l'iter.,y, •3 Major Shadwell Cierke, a friend of Captain Deuglas. The :Ile:, related to a letter pub- liehed in the .1,r0/7!:,,y C/a ,;;; • of ; 8th, from Lord Charles Fitz- roy to Lord John liu-scl!, in v. hiterI. r,`, Cherles strongly ani- madverted on the use that Sir 11 .... . 1'.11:Ja8 made of the high police powers veged in his tEnt. Is ii r, t Lord Charles had used the words " cove data ropily," ;" and Captain Douglas, svhile professing m: 1 to inteei;,:re .ri 11 discus:slim of his

lather's public conduct, cone 1eins or ['le e! or, jr ; and that Lord Charles Fitzroy had °rust, „poi the horteds ra..liamentary licence,

by publishing his letter wi.'eatt any re:Cy v,-13 ;;:ieht have been made

to it. Lord Charles answers, that rai i myt.:; solely on public grounds; he with the et: press'. et ,r• re;!'e. whieh was never meant

" in the sense of olremc.:.! to a soldi:g's I a ur ; " and he explains that the term dieregesdde was meant to apply more particularly to a Dr. Va- letti, who appears to have leem employed aad,..7 I!!t.. Ionian Government, and to have been introduced at Cretrt. Tbis explanation beieg deemed satisfactory, the correspondence closes.