An inquiry instituted by the Government, respecting certain charges brought
by Mr. Jackson, a Sub-Inspector, against the Magistrates of the Kerry district, in the county of Limerick, terminated last week, after two days' examination of the witnesses. At a former meeting of the Magistracy, held in consequence of the disturbed state of the county, some strictures were passed upon the want of vigilance and activity on the part of the Sub-Inspector. Mr. Jackson immediately memorialized the Government ; attributing the proceedings of the Ma- gistrates to personal and vindictive motives,—of which motives they had been honourably acquitted by Mr. Howley, Queen's counsel, the As- sistant Barrister of the county of Tipperary, and who was sent down by Government to preside at this investigation. Mr. Howley has declared that he was satisfied that the Magistrates were solely actuated by a de- sire for the peace of the county, and not by any vindictive feelings to- wards Mr. Jackson. What may be the result, so far as respects the Sub-Inspector, is not yet known. A curious fact brought to light during this inquiry is, that in the official returns of outrages it is usual to set down any number of offences, of the same kind, committed on the same night, as one offence, even though the places where they were committed are miles asunder. The Inspectors in Ireland, it appeared, had received orders to frame the returns in this manner in all cases whera it was supposed the offences were committed by the same party ; but a full report of all is sent to the Lord-Lieutenant. The Kerry Examiner publishes a detailed statement respecting the expulsion of tenantry from the estate of the late Lord Ventry in that county. The total number of persons turned out upon the road-side from this estate is two hundred and thirty-three. The Limerick Chronicle announces the appearance of an Orange ral- lying-song, or " sacred song," entitled " No Surrender," by Dr. Tonson, the Bishop of Killaloe. Dr. Tonson was nominated to his see by Lord Normanby.
A sale of some articles of furniture, seized for " minister's money" in Dublin, was announced to take place on Friday ; but owing to the dread of a disturbance, it was put off. Bills had been placarded about the streets, calling attention to the sale.