The Great Western arrived at Kingroad. Bristol. at midnight on
Monday. 'Flue New York papers she brings are to the Isth of August. I for arrival from England had relieved the gloomy anticipations which had previously depressed the money-market at New lurk. Exchange on London was 61 to711s. 'rile excitement of preparations for the elections eon:in , General Harrison appears still to be the favourite candidate.
Some uneasiness remained on the North-eastern frontier. Maine bad taken suep., to inclule in the census for that 5: Ito the1 ritish settle- ment of Mal.i,,.17F.17:7.71. iv ittelu lies within the insane d tsrritory. and had eel aally cm:mien:01 operations. The British were very indignant ; end Sir .1:111:u hi ri y is called upon, not :s let the :1.7 without being notice' "itt a manner boe/mnim:11:.s prom., 77: 1.2... A writer in the Morni.:: CF. uh, ,:oc,1111:-.1 of hue Stele of Maine in te!, et: et • oes • the Briths:. stedement of Madawaska within the dispated territory-- - some tut' our contemporaries, alio the Boundary ; but 1,ils., •'
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manner in which the enutnorators takin2; the in- habitants rezident within the diTio.1 el.... its pa- Mimi influence ; aud the paper: in the Van Buren Mt.!. blown the coals : but the affair will all come of quietly enom:h. if need be, the British authorities OM allow these inhabitants to be counted for the swum as part of the State of Maine, under protest; so that all British rights and in- terests would be kept perfectly intact."
Governor M‘Nutt, of Mississippi, had issued a proclamation, declar- ing the Union Bank, the Bank of Vicksburg, and the Grand Gulf Railroad and Banking Company, to have forfeited their charters, by failing to redeem their ten-dollar notes. The President of the Union Bank refused to obey the proclamation, on the ground that the act upon -which it proceeded is unconstitutional.
The New York Spectator calls upon the people of the United States to watch the proceedings of the English in China with distrust ; and it quotes the article in the London Globe, hinting at ulterior measures in China.
Mr. John Sewell, a merchant of Shreveport, Louisiana, had shot the Sheriff of Caddo, Mr. Sterrett. "It seems," says the Baltimore Patriot, "that a lot of paper was to be sold by the Sheriff. Sewell was present, and made the highest bid. When the bill was brought in for it, he presented the private bill against Sterrett. Sterrett would not sell in that way, nor in any other, till he saw proper. Sewell then refused to pay ; and Sterrett went to Sewell's store and began to throw out the paper. The latter went to his desk, took out ar'bowie-knife, and ran up to Sterrett with it. Before he could use it, it was taken from him. Mr. Robeorn, a partner of Mr. Sewell, then brought a pair of pistols and laid them on the counter before Sewell; who immediately took one of them up and fired, and hit the Sheriff on the chin, the ball passing through his head." The wounded man died in twenty minutes ; and Sewell was taken into custody by the townspeople.
The following narrative is from the Courrier de la Louisiane. "A rencounter, as atrocious in the mode of conducting it as it was disastrous in its result, has just taken place between MM. Hippolyte Throuet tind Paulin Prue, both Frenchmen by birth, and long resident in this city. It originated in a bitterly-contested lawsuit, and took place in the fol- lowing manner. The principals were placed at five paces distance from each other, back to back, with a pistol in each hand; at a signal agreed on, they were to turn round, until they found themselves face to face, and half an hour was given them to fire. At the first discharge, which took place instantaneously, they fired together, but without effect. Prue then took his second pistol into his right hand, but so pre- cipitately that it was discharged in the air. Seeing himself thus exposed, without any means of defence, to his adversary's fire, be presented his bosom to him, and said Fire !' Several of the bystanders, of whom there were a great number present, trembling for the fate which awaited Prue, cried out from their places Don't fire !' but the seconds interposed, and, demanding who dared interfere in a matter of the sort, invited Throuet to discharge his pistol against his opponent. Throuet needed not the invitation ; but, haying kept both Prue and the bystanders for a considerable time in a state of the most painful sus- pense, still holding Prue covered with his pistol, and grinning ferociously, fired at last, and the ball passing through Prue's body, the unfortunate man died instantaneously."