5 SEPTEMBER 1840, Page 9



From the Paris papers of Thursday, we learn that the continued meetings and "strikes" of the workmen begin to assume a serious cha- racter. On Wednesday, several meetings were held on the plains of Saint Denis, Aubervilliers, Bondi, and Pantin. The authorities sent out a considerable body of police ; and as the people would not disperse on the regular summonses being read, many were taken into custody. In the evening, between 300 and 400 were conducted to the Prefecture of Police, under a strong escort of horse and foot Municipal Guards. During the morning, the men employed in the cotton-manufactories had struck, although they had for a long time had plenty of employment at good wages. An assemblage of between 500 and 600 entered the mills in the Rues de la Roquette, Charonne, and Piepus, and seduced or forced away all the workmen. The men employed in constructing the railroad to Versailles were induced to join the conspirators on Wed- nesday. The workmen disclaim all political objects whatever, and con- fine their demands to an increase of pay to those who work by the piece, with a reduction of hours for those svho are engaged by the day. The Commerce insinuates that these disturbances were brooght about through the agency of the police, to divert public attention from the state of the foreign relations of France.