[To TEE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Z think you may be interested to see the enclosed circular, which shows how in North Somerset the political Associations have already got to work in accordance with Mr.
Asquith's proposal.—I am, Sir, &c., Z.
"North Somerset Liberal and Unionist Associations.
DEAR Sin,—In this national crisis it is the duty of all men, whether Conservatives or Liberals, to act together. Therefore we ask you to call at once a joint meeting of the Liberal and Unionist Committees in your parish to arrange for a public meeting, if one has not been already held, for getting recruits for Lord Kitchener's Army and also to form a Committee for such purpose.—We are, truly yours,
STRACHIB, Chairman, North Somerset Liberal Association.
G. A. Gums, President, North Somerset Unionist Association. Tins SECRETARY, North Somerset Unionist Association.
Tan Sr:clmsy, North Somerset Liberal Association."