Mr. Redmond's Opportunity.
[To THE EDITOR Or THE"SPECTATOR"] Six,—We have read with great interest Mr. Redmond's fine speech in the House, reported in the Times of August 28th. He says he is proud of the......
Letters To The Editor.
WALTER SCOTT ON THE SITUATION. LTO TIM EDITOR OP THZ " BPECTAT014"1 SIR, - / have come across a passage in one of Sir Walter Scott's letters which seems singularly appropriate......
The War And The Civil Service.
[To THE EDITOR 07 TER " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I suggest that some of the normal public services may, for the time, be curtailed in order to give patriotic young men the......
[To THE EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOR. "] Sra,—While we all hope that the brisk recruiting which has distinguished the first days of this week will be maintained, it would be unwise......
[to The Editor Of 21111 " Brzarxrclun Silt, — May I Ask
a few questions with regard to your interest- ing " Suggestion for a Recruiting Advertisement" P (1) " For how long shall I have to serve ? " " Till the end of the war and no......
[to The Editor Os Spectator:1 Sts, — The Voluntary System...
having a fair trial. The Government should make the nation understand that Germany is striking at us through France ; that we are her objective. The expression "helping France "......
Artemus Ward On Patriotism.
[To THE EDITOR OF Ta1 " SPECTATOR:1 Sin,—Yon may care to print, as appropriate to the present situation, the following passage from "The Draft in Balthus- vile," written by......