5 SEPTEMBER 1914, page 16

Objections To Joining.

[TO THE EDITOR or TER " SPRCIATOR..."] SIR, — With reference to my letter " Objections to Joining," published in your issue of August 29th, I regret its having been written, as......


BACKWARDS. IN wars of countless years beyond our ken, When Stomach was the ruling lust, to seize Some prize of fruit the greediest monkey-men Gibbered and stoned each other in......


THE GERMAN EMPEROR AT HOME.t THE author of these reminiscences, which are written with much ability and a charming lightness of touch—a touch, however, that is likely to charm......


[To THE EDITOR OF TEE "SPECTATOR. "] Sus—Everybody knows the description of the first sea fight between Romans and Carthaginians, and how Duilius flung overboard the fowls which......

The Welsh Church Bill.

I TO THE EDITOR Or TER " SPECTATOR...] SIR, —In the House of Commons on Monday Sir D. Brynmor Jones, Chairman of the Welsh Liberal Party, said they were entitled to have the......

Employment For Girl And Women Workers. [to 2212 Editor Or

THE " SPECTATOI.."] STR, — It has been strongly urged in various quarters that the Girls' Friendly Society and the Young Women's Christian Asso- ciation should co-operate in......

Notice.—when "correspondence" Or Articles Are Signed With...

or initials, or with a pseudonym, or are marked "Communicated," the Editor must not necessarily be held to be in agreement with the views therein expressed or with the mode of......