The Arethusa ' was the first to be attacked by
two German cruisers, and was engaged for thirty•five minutes at a range of about three thousand yards. She suffered some injury and casualties, but drove off the two German cruisers, one of which she seriously damaged with her 6-inch guns. The British destroyers, supported by submarines and light cruisers and battle cruisers, sank two German destroyers and damaged many others. The British First Light Cruiser
Squadron sank the Mainz,' receiving only slight damage. The First Battle Cruiser Squadron sank one German cruiser of the Town class, and another cruiser, the 'Ariadne,' dis- appeared in the mist on fire and afterwards sank. All the three German cruisers engaged were thus disposed of. The Battle Cruiser Squadron, although attacked by submarines and floating mines, evaded them all and was undamaged, The Arethusa ' helped the Light Cruiser Squadron and the Fearless' in sinking the Mainz.' In her various encounters she had several of her guns disabled, and it was when she was about to be attacked in her damaged condition by the two other German cruisers that the Battle Cruiser Squadron arrived and sank both these antagonists. The Arethusa' had been com- missioned only a few days before, and the officers and crew were new to each other and to her. Her feat was therefore very remarkable.