5 SEPTEMBER 1914, Page 23

How to Seep Fit ; or, The Soldier's Guide to

Health. in Field, Camp, and Quarters. Compiled by Surgeon-Major H. Waite. (Gay and Polden. 3d.)—This excellent little book contains a number of simple health maxims for soldiers which should be exceedingly valuable to the new recruits who fill every barrack yard in the kingdom, or to members of the Territorial Force who have to adapt themselves to new quarters and comparatively arduous conditions. The hints which the book contains, for example, upon the care of the feet would be invaluable to men unaccustomed to marching, and suddenly called upon to do their twenty miles or so a day. The device of turning a sock which rucks inside out or putting it upon the other foot is most practical, but Major Waite has forgotten to describe the best treatment for a blistered heel— namely, to make a kind of "ring-pad" of two layers of plaster, a hole being cut in the middle of the plaster to take the actual seat of the blister. This keeps off all pressure from the boot, and enables a man to continue the march without doing further damage. The present moment is particularly opportune for the reissue of so practical and lucid a little book of "preventive medicine." It is arranged alphabetically, and is very small in size.