5 SEPTEMBER 1914, Page 24

War and Alien Enemies. By Arthur Page. (Stevens and Sons.

5s. net.)—There is, it appears, no recognized text-book dealing with the general legal position in which alien enemies stand at the present moment. It is a hundred years since there has been any urgent need of such a work. Mr. Arthur Page, of the Inner Temple, has hastily brought out a short account of the law affecting the personal and trading rights of alien enemies, with chapters on contraband of war and the capture of prizes at sea. His object is " to enable alien enemies and those who have had business relations with them to understand the legal position in which they find themselves at the outbreak of war." This object seems to be achieved in a fashion which will enable the non-legal reader to comprehend the state of affairs. In appendices Mr. Page gives the text of various proclamations and Orders in Council which have recently been issued on the subject, and Articles %%Tito LXIV. of the Declaration of London.